Manju Bala Joshi
Ms. Manju Bala Joshi is a founder member of CECOEDECON. An established voice in Indian Civil Society Circles, Ms. Joshi has been an avid champion of women and has devoted her life towards promoting local development processes. A social work professional by background, Mrs Joshi has also worked in the government sector. With over 30 years of experience, Mrs Joshi is a strong advocate for community-based and community-led development processes. Under her leadership, CECOEDECON has created a strong space at national as well as international levels on development related dialogues.
Email : manjujoshi@cecoedecon.org.in
P.M. Paul
Mr. Paul P.M. is a Social Work professional with 37 years of work experience in Integrated Rural Development projects. He holds expertise in Community Development, Institution Building, Networking and Advocacy. He commands extensive knowledge on project planning, monitoring, evaluation and organizational development. He has a Diploma in Social Development from Coady International Institute, Canada and is an ‘Advocacy Fellow’ of the Advocacy Institute Washington DC. He has gained experience of working with CARE India as a State Administrator in Bihar and as a CSR Manager in Cochin Shipyard Ltd., a Public Sector Company in Kerala.
Email : pmpaul@cecoedecon.org.in
Deputy Director
Vibhuti Joshi
Ms. Vibhuti Joshi has over eight years of experience in the development sector. She holds an M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Sussex and is also involved with a Pan Indian Collective, MAUSAM (formerly Beyond Copenhagen), which is an initiative to promote sustainable development, and climate justice and equity in South Asia.
As a development monitoring and evaluation practices analyst, she has engaged extensively with a range of development concerns at national as well as international levels and has represented the organization at platforms like the UNFCCC, UNCSW, etc. She is also actively involved in business development efforts at the organization.
Email : vib89j@gmail.com
Deputy Director
Charu Joshi
Ms. Charu Joshi is a Research Specialist with a background in Urban Management and Development. The main focus of her work lies in enhancing research capabilities of the organisation to improve the production of grassroots knowledge. Her main expertise is in gender perspectives in climate change and development process. She supports the organisation in the management of projects including developing management information systems. She also supports project management and acquisition in regard to proposal writing, content contribution, project execution, communication and coordination with project partners.
Ms. Joshi holds a Master's degree in Urban Management and Development with a specialization in Gender, Environment and Climate Change from Erasmus University, an additional Master's degree in International Finance from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom.
Email : charujoshijp@gmail.com
Deputy Director
Dr. Alok Vyas
Dr. Alok Vyas, a development practitioner, is associated with CECOEDECON since 2006. He has expertise in advocacy, networking on developmental issues related to sustainable development and climate change. Dr. Vyas is actively engaged in the process of capacity building of community based organizations and grass root NGOs in Rajasthan. He has represented CECOEDECON on national and international development platforms. He represents CECOEDECON as a member of steering group of ‘Wada Na Todo Abhiyan’, a nationwide network of around 3000 Civil Society Organizations. Dr Vyas is also a trustee in Movement of Advancing Understanding on Sustainability and Mutuality (MAUSAM). Currently he is looking after the Institutional Development Program in CECOEDECON.
Email : alokvyas@cecoedecon.org.in
Deputy Director
Govind Narayan Vijay
Mr. Govind has completed his MSc. Agriculture Extension Education degree from Rajasthan Agriculture University. He has been working in the field of agriculture/rural development for more than two decades.
Since April 1999, Mr. Govind is working with CECOEDECON and has taken up a variety of responsibilities in different projects of CECOEDECON in partnership with State Government, CSR and FCRA like District Poverty Initiatives Project (DPIP), Preparation of Gram Panchayat Level IWRM plan etc. His key expertise areas are community mobilization, institutional building and livelihood enhancement especially through agriculture & natural resource management.
He is currently working with Child Fund India on the Child Development project.
Email : govindvijay@cecoedecon.org.in
Deputy Director
Shweta Tiwari
Ms. Shweta Tiwari is a management graduate with experience of around 20 years, working on issues related to child rights, malnutrition, women empowerment and adolescents. She has been actively involved in organization development process and managing human resource development interventions. For the past 8 years she is engaged in project design, project management monitoring and evaluation. She has an experience of implementing large sector programs on women and adolescents.
Email : shwetatiwari@cecoedecon.org.in
Unit Head,
Basic Rights
Anil Kumar Bhardwaj
Dr. Anil Kumar Bhardwaj is working in the organization from 14 year. He is working presently as a unit head of Basic Rights. Dr Anil is working on child rights and child centred issues. He started his career as a college lecturer and joined the organization after that. He has worked on grassroots at block, district and state level advocacy on child rights issues like –child marriage prevention, child and adolescent health, right to education, child labour, gender discrimination, malnutrition, domestic violence and female feticide.
Dr. Anil holds Ph.D. in Philosophy and is UGC-NET qualified.
Email : bhardwaj.anil49@gmail.com
Chief Accountant
Sita Ram Saini
Mr. Saini is an organized and dedicated professional. He has extensive experience in Monitoring Accounts, Budgeting, Fund flow statement, Finance management, Banking, Vendor Correspondence and Account Reconciliation, Financial report preparation, Staff vehicle and housing loan management, Security fund, Staff Society Accounting and managing all aspects of payroll. He has vast experience working in accounts field, spanning across 30 years and is working with the organization since 1996. He commands excellent professional communication skills, both written and oral, for interacting with supervisors and employees alike. Intimately familiar with Liaising and Marketing, Inventory Management, Legal works, Income Tax, PF and ESI work, Gratuity and EDLI works, Vehicle and asset insurance, Resource Management. When not working, he likes to engage himself in listening sermons from scriptures.
Email : sitaramsaini@cecoedecon.org.in
Branch Manager, Jaisalmer
Ram Gopal Beniwal
Mr. Beniwal has 23 years of work experience in development sector. He has worked in the field of education, health, rural development, natural resource management, child rights, child labour, life skill education, and capacity building. He holds experience in project implementation, co-ordination with government, capacity building of Panchayati Raj Institutions, Adolescents and women, livelihood training, Community mobilization & awareness generation of the community and team management in development sector. He holds a M.A. degree in Sociology from Rajasthan University.
Branch Incharge, Shahbad
Vivek Tripathi
Mr. Vivek tripathi holds a Masters degree in Social Work in the field of ‘Family and Child development’ . He has more than 16 years of experience in Women and Child development, sustainable community development, panchayati raj, environmental health and safety, urban and rural management, microfinance and entrepreneurship development and awareness, policy analysis and advocacy. He has promoted Youth Groups, Self Help Groups and Farmers Groups and has worked extensively in the areas of Health, Gender, Water and Sanitation, Education, MDGs, Panchayati Raj and other related issues.
Email : tripathiv3@gmail.com
Branch In-charge, Niwai
Anita Sharma
Ms. Anita Sharma has an association of 25 years with the organization. She has been working, through women organizations, in the area of Land and Water Conservation. She passed grade 11th and got associated with CECODECON at the age of 17 years. She completed her further studies while working with the institution. She has worked consistently in programs of the institution like malnutrition, maternal and child health, Beti Bachao - Beti Padhao, child labor for the rights of children, leadership capacity development program of minority women and so on, in Niwai, Tonk, Fagi area of Rajasthan.
Email : ceconewai@gmail.com
Branch In-charge, Chaksu
Balveer Singh Rajawat
Mr. Balveer Rajawat is working with CECOEDECON since 2002. His responsibilities include establishing and maintaining linkages with Governmental & Non-Governmental entities including Media, to enhance agency and its offshoot image and to optimize funding sources through different agencies.
His forte is Coordination with Community Based Organizations, Leaders and Beneficiaries for maintaining positive linkages relevant in addressing the program needs of the community.
Email : balveermal2@gmail.com
State In-Charge, Madhya Pradesh
Mohan Joshi
Mr. Mohan Joshi is a Development Professional with an experience of 26 years. An M.A. in sociology, he plays multiple roles in organization including State In-Charge, Monitoring Officer, Coordinator and so on. He has lead many successful projects in the organization including Acute Malnutrition Project Burhanpur, NULM Project Indore, Edible oil & Milk Fortification Project and CSR Ostro Project Shajapur and many more. His most distinguished feature involves, wearing a smile always and keeping calm in strained situations.
Email : mjoshi72@gmail.com
Branch Manager, Malpura
Kishan Jat
Mr. Kishan has a work experience of 29 years, all with CECOEDECON. He has substantial work experience on issues like gender cross cutting, women and adolescent issues, child rights, maternal and child health, non-formal education, microfinance, institutional development and natural resource management. His areas of expertise include project management, planning and implementation, leading project team, community mobilization and training.
Email : kishanja@gmail.com
Programme Coordinator
Brajesh Rai
Mr. Brajesh Rai holds a Masters degree inf Social Work in the field of ‘Policy Planning and Administration’. He has been working for more than 25 years in the field of rural development. Mr. Rai has worked on various aspects of development like providing facilities of safe water and sanitation, training for agriculture, horticulture and animal health. He has promoted Self Help Groups (SHGs) and livelihood activities, provided vocational training for income generation to women and adolescent groups. Mr. Rai has also organized programs for formal and non-formal education in various schools.
Email : cecoedeconmlp@gmail.com
Supervisor, IT
Bhanwar Lal Jat
Mr. Bhanwar Lal Jat has a long association with CECOEDECON with over 26 years of experience of working with the organization. Mr Jat supervises all IT-based logistics management at the organization and is also responsible for managing all external communications. Mr Jat also holds a Diploma in Mass Communication and uses his knowledge to support the development of all communication materials. He also has a unique understanding of local dynamics gained from his 5 years experience of participation in local governance processes which help in bringing insights into programmatic planning of the organization.

Communications and
Media Manager
Aishwary Goyal
Mr. Aishwary Goyal has over five years of experience in the development communication sector. He holds a B.Tech in Electronics and Communications Engineering. He is responsible for all the digital content creation including videos, posters, invitations and so on. He also provides tech support wherever needed. His focus on visual storytelling for change originated from his own experiences of traveling and working across different parts of the country, observing the reality of lives very different to his own. Driven by his passion for environmental sustainability, community, and wellness, Aishwary works well with community leaders and groups. When not working, he must be exploring uncharted spiritual places in Jaipur.
Email : aishwary@cecoedecon.org.in

Manager- Business Development
Amit Gupta
Mr. Amit Kumar Gupta works as Manager- Business development in the organization. He comes with 4 years of experience in Project Consulting, Monitoring and Evaluation, Public-Private Partnership and Business Development across WASH, Livelihood and Natural resources. He has done Post Graduation in Forestry Management from Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal with Environment Management as major specialization. He has done his another Post Graduate Degree in Urban Planning and Development from IGNOU. He is responsible for Exploring CSR opportunities and project development for the organization.
Email – amitgupta@cecoedecon.org.in

Programme Coordinator
Ms. Meenakshi Sharma has done her post-graduation in Home Science Extension Education and has qualified NET (Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board, New Delhi) and SLET (State Level Eligibility test for Lectureship). She has more than 15 years of work experience in Development sector specially in the areas of Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health and Adolescent Rights, Life Skill education, Gender, Gender based violence and issues related to Child Protection. She has been engaged in Project management and implementation and has excellent networking and coordination skills. Her expertise lies in bringing a gender perspective across the identified stakeholders for promoting gender sensitive environment and addressing issues of reproductive and sexual health through facilitating training sessions with different stakeholders. She is working as Thematic Leader on Basic Rights in the organization.
Email : meenakshi.s@cecoedecon.org.in